If you or someone you know is concerned about their rights when interacting with ICE agents, please click here for information, print out RED CARDS in various languages, and learn about what you and your family should do in case of emergencies.
Aquí puede encontrar más información sobre cómo se puede utilizar su tarjeta. También asegure visitar este enlace para aprender lo que puede hacer si se encuentra frente un agente de inmigración: https://www.wehaverights.us/spanish. Receive updates on voting deadlines and context on elections through the Texas Tribune's Voting Help Desk.
Check your voter registration status to make sure you have not been suspended from the voter rolls: If your voter registration is not located or the information is incorrect, you cannot fix this online. You can print online forms and hand deliver or mail them to our elections office. You can also reach out to us at [email protected] for help with your situation.
We can also help you get an application to be able to vote by mail--just email us, we are here to help! Donate and Get Merch!
Your donation not only gets you VCDP merch, it helps VCDP support Democratic candidates, purchase signs, print educational materials that share our platform with others, and potentially secure a physical space with great street frontage and signage to show everyone that the Victoria County Democratic Party is not just alive and well—we are growing and thriving! Car magnets, t-shirts, polo shirts—we've got it all at ActBlue! 🌊🌊🌊 |
Upcoming Events
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 6:00pm at the Meals on Wheels Building, 603 E. Murray St.
Join us for Victoria County Democratic Party meetings on the last Tuesday of each month. Subscribe to our mailing list for information on times and locations. COUNTY CHAIR NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR INTERIM COUNTY CHAIR: Review duties; term of office; state and local support for chair; nominations accepted from the floor. The County Chair is voted on by eligible Precinct Chairs. Contact Jewel Buchanan (secretary) at 361-782-1900 or VCDP at 361-582-9549 to volunteer or for clarification. We currently have three nominees. |
Are you interested in becoming part of our Executive Board?
We have several great Precinct Chairs who make up our Executive Board and our board is growing each month!! Click this link to check your precinct number: teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do and mention your interest at the next meeting! We have openings in Pct 1,2, 9-17, 21, 24, 26-28, 30, and 32. If your Precinct already has a chair, please let them know that you are interested in being on their team!
The Victoria Democratic Party Supports:
• A strong economy
Good jobs, workers’ rights, consumer protection, fixing the Texas electric grid, free and fair trade that benefits workers in America and abroad, and restoring prosperity to rural Texas
• A strong democracy
Protecting voter access, promoting citizenship and participation in elections, and dignity, respect, and equal protections for all Americans without prejudice;
• A strong society and educational system
Access to quality healthcare as a fundamental human right, sustainable funding for public schools, gun legislation that respects the 2nd Amendment while protecting lives, protections for children and vulnerable adults, support for the disabled and elderly adults, and religious freedom
• Justice for all
Equal justice for all, equality for women in all aspects, criminal justice system reform, an attainable path to citizenship for immigrants, and accountability for those who commit sexual and family violence
• Comprehensive foreign policy
Continuing US leadership in mitigating effects of climate change world-wide, honoring our treaty obligations, promoting human rights and democracy, and promoting free and fair trade that benefits workers in America and abroad